Monday, May 7, 2012

I can be your Fag Hag, You can be my Gay

The emergence of popular gay characters arguably went mainstream with Sex and the City. Homosexual characters in the media today are less viewed as diseased sexual deviants and more as a part of society. SATC also triggered a different phenomenon in the media: The gay best friend.
Love this dress. Good call Stanford
Anthony and Charlotte on a lunch date
In the reading Carrie Bradshaw’s Queer Postfeminism, Jane Gerhard says that SATC “insists that these (best girl friends) relationships are more lasting and trustworthy than those with men or potential husbands.” It seems with more shows, this is no longer the case, as the male homosexual friend is the one the main female character trusts the most. SATC is based around the concept of the best girlfriends, but it is Stanford and Anthony who often have the last say on what the best advice/course of action for any given event is…meaning their relationships are more lasting and trustworthy then their husbands, boyfriends and girlfriends.
They aren't listening to a word each other are saying
Homosexuals at one point couldn’t be out, and those that were became criticized. The homosexual community today still has the highest suicide rates of any minority or ethnic group. Today, it appears that the male gay best friend is now a hot commodity. In SATC, Stanford and Anthony were longer lasting characters then the men they slept with (sans Mr. Big). In the show they are almost shown as an upgraded female friend. Anthony made sure everything for Charlotte’s wedding was perfect. “I said tapers! Long tapers! Get rid of this shit right now! (Referring to candles for Charlottes wedding).” The first to see her wedding dress was Anthony. 
When Charlotte was first having marital problems, she turned to her gay best friend before Carrie, Miranda and Samantha. This type of behavior makes homosexuality less faux pas then in years past, and makes the characters more trustworthy, instead of being untrustworthy due to their sexual orientation.
Instead of female friends, The gay best friend shown in the media offers advice, and has a better grasp of the male psyche. Like Charlotte, Carrie also has her homosexual companion in Stanford Blatch, who provides her with such services as fashion advice, being her date to weddings, moral support at photo shoots, and writing editor among other things. 

Jessica Simpson in her show newlyweds co-starring then husband Nick Lachey, was sometimes with her high school best friend Cacee, but more-so with her stylist Ken Paves. Jessica not only confides in him during beauty sessions (which is all the time), she goes shopping, eats lunch and travels with him, and has him travel with her on business trips. She confides more in him then her husband and female best friend. Today, Nick is re-married and Ken is still Jessica's stylist and confidante. In past media, homosexuals were shown only associated with each other, and one usually died of AIDS or had to hide their identity or sexuality. 
Hint: One of these men is no longer in the picture...
 Another example of expanding homosexuality in the media can be seen in Keeping up with the Kardashians, and a spin off, Kourtney and Kim take New York.  Part of the premise of these shows is that no matter how crazy the Kardashian lifestyle may be, they can always rely on their sisters (and one brother) for support. In the latter show however, when Kim is having marital problems during her 72 day marriage (72 days is now a measurement called a “Kardash”), she doesn’t turn to Kourtney,Khloe, Kendall, Kris (mom, not husband), or Kylie…she turns to Simon, her gay best friend who is featured in many different episodes of various Kardashian shows. Her sisters do offer their opinion on the matter, and did make observations such as “newlyweds shouldn’t fight this much.” It’s not until she speaks to Simon and his friend Jonathan, and they tell her flat out that her husband moving 2000 miles away is not normal, that she starts comprehending that her marital problems are bigger then she realized. 
Too much estrogen to provide rational marriage advice
 Kim’s mom, Kris Jenner, suggests the same thing, that what is happening in her marriage isn’t normal, but she only takes this thought seriously when it is coming from Simon. This is another example of a gay character being shown in a positive light, and as a trustworthy person. Simon even offers to help her husband Kris Humphries work on their marriage, and yet with such a large family, she didn’t have any of her sisters try to talk to him.

In Ice <3’s Coco, her gay personal assistant/publicist is frequently featured in the show. He is always very well dressed, polite and put together. Coco trusts her entire image and media persona to this man.

 Oprah calls on the help of her interior decorator Nate Berkus. When Nate lost his boyfriend during Hurricane Katrina, Oprah did a whole show on homosexual relationships and love. She continues to be an advocate for gay rights and equality.

Lady Gaga credits the gay community for her success as an artist, because they were her first fan base who followed her and went to her various shows at bars and coffeehouses. She is the founder and C.E.O. of the Born this way foundation which gives support to those who are bullied, namely the gay community. Most of her production team, collectively called the Haus of Gaga, are homosexual. Recently during a concert in South Korea, a group titled the Civilians Group called on Gaga to cancel her concert, or to be boycotted because her show was deemed "too homosexual." Kids were also not allowed to attend for this reason. She responded on twitter "I hear you Korea...and i'm shaking." Full article here: South Korea Protesters Deem Lady Gaga too Homosexual and Pornographic
This is apparently not okay in South Korea
In all these appearances in the media, their sexuality is never questioned or frowned upon, and along with this media exposure gay shows have become main stream,gay marriage is now a hot political debate, and there is the joke that a gay best friend is a hot commodity.
There are many more that have been photographed shopping with their homosexual friend, or having lunch while their boyfriends or husbands are nowhere to be seen. Through all the divorces and cat-fights, the only constant companion in these shows is the gay best friend. Queerness is not frowned upon as much as it once was.The only problem with these homosexual portrayals is that it makes gay men into the stereotype of the metro-homo-sexual who loves fashion and interior decorating. As with any group, this is not the case, and being a gay man does not, and should not equate to being less masculine. In my experience, they have more balls then straight men i've dealt with. There is still a ways to go as far as homosexuality in the media is concerned, but at least there has been a shift from the negative portrayals of deviant "sinners" with AIDS, versus being shown as a companion, and trustworthy friend.
I could be your fag hag
And you could be my gay
I'll never make you feel sad
When you come out to play

We don't give a fuck
What people are thinking
I know you'll always look out for me
When we go out drinking
I can ask you things I can't ask anyone
And you'll give me direction
Apart from me, you're the only other person I know
Who reads the travel section

Song dedicated to my best friend, Aj Menefee. Who always looks out for me when we're out drinking.


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